
Top Menu Planning Tips from Nina & Co.
As a food marketing consultant, one of the questions I’m most frequently asked is how to go about menu planning. So we’ve put together some of our top tips to help you develop a menu planning strategy that will put

Flexitarian – a buzzy word for dietary common sense
Buzz words seem to have become more common with the viral effects of the internet. One of today’s more popular ones is ‘flexitarian’. Although the term was coined in the 1990s, flexitarianism is a sensible eating trend that’s really growing in popularity now, and it delivers a wealth of benefits. It’s estimated that today there are around 22 million flexitarians in the UK alone!

The great British BBQ – a love affair with far-reaching consequences
Barbecues. As much a British institution nowadays as fish and chips or roast beef. With this summer’s heatwave we haven’t needed any excuses to host an impromptu BBQ. The Royal Wedding, the World Cup, Wimbledon… it’s been a case

More food hygiene madness
Breaking news! I’m going to give up my day job and become a scientist. I’m going to find someone daft enough to fund hugely expensive research into matters of plain common sense. Then, after collecting a substantial salary and

Sugar tax … the Government’s feel good placebo?
Placebo (noun) a medicine or procedure prescribed for the psychological benefit to the patient rather than for any physiological effect. a measure designed merely to humour or placate someone. And that, to me, is exactly what the Government’s sugar tax

The plastic problem – lip service or honest intent?
It seems there isn’t a day goes by without plastic pollution being headline news. According to the Beeb, plastic has even become the children’s word of the year! That can only be good, but are we just swimming against the

Change please? YES please …
Innovation always warms my heart. And when I heard about Change Please, an innovation that’s combining change and social enterprise, I was positively aglow. You probably know how we feel about the plight of homeless people. We’ve blogged before about

Single use plastics … the planet’s ruin
Everywhere you turn at the moment you’ll see, hear and read about the problems caused by single use plastic. And a very real problem it is too. Needless to say, we have strong opinions here at Nina & Co. If

2 Sisters’ chickens come home to roost
So, were you as horrified and disgusted as we were at the latest undercover report from ITV and the Guardian about the 2 Sisters Food Group’s horrific chicken processing practices? Were you surprised by it? Because I wasn’t. This

Exclusive – the year-round scandal of seasonal egg production
As you know, the Nina & Co. team are champions of ethical food production and animal welfare. Sadly, at seasonal times of the year, ethics and welfare often take second place to greed, sales and profit. This exclusive report by

Liar, liar … pants on fire!
I’m sorry about my juvenile tantrum, but this recent news has got me stamping my tinies. Perhaps some culture would help me redeem myself? Thanks to Sir Walter Scott for this one… “Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when

Winning the War on Waste?
If you’re a regular to the Nina & Co. blog, you’ll know how irked I get when it comes to the senseless waste of food. You’ll also know I’ve been ranting about it for years. That’s why I thought it