Tots to teens; the marketer’s dream…
“Mum please… I love them. Oh but Mum… all my friends’ Mums buy them… just this once… I’ll tidy my bedroom… please… I promise…” Aw bless (or do I mean BLESS?) them! Sound familiar? It should. Listen carefully and you’ll
The school dinner police strike again!
All I can say is it’s a very good job the 5:2 diet helps control my blood pressure, because today’s article on banning packed lunches in schools had me close to apoplexy.
Joining the fat tax debate…
The worldwide fat tax debate has been raging for some time, and having watched from the sidelines for a while, I couldn’t resist adding my twopenn’orth any longer.
Smallholdings; the not so happy dream…
Oh sorry… I didn’t realise you were there… I was miles away! On my smallholding, in fact. I was just enjoying the view watching Derek & Clive (my pet donkeys) grazing quietly in their paddock. Ethel and Stan, my
This little piggy…
If you’re a regular to this blog, you’ll know I’m always harping on about the traceability of the food we put on our plates. When I investigated the plight of the not-so-happy chickens, I was sickened by Viva’s
Student’s Unions; then and now, take 2 – with a twist!
When Nina first asked me to write a blog on my Student Trend Report findings, I didn’t really know where to begin. I think the most interesting fact about this blog is who is writing it, a student. But
5:2 Intermittent Fasting Gets the Nina & Co. Seal of Approval.
Diets are nothing new. They’ve been around since Roman times, although it seems the Victorians are to blame for our obsession with the faddy ones. Slimming advice in those times included sprinkling your body with hot sand and eating
Food allergies – fact or fiction?
You don’t have to go far today to bump into people with food allergies. I know three people with Coeliacs disease and another four who are wheat intolerant, and these are just the tip of the iceberg.
Free range – Freedom Foods – Fiddlesticks!
I’m an animal lover, as you might know. The idea of eating horse appals me, and Captain is certainly ‘Top Dog’ at Nina & Co HQ. So when it comes to putting meat on my table, I want to
Martha Payne is finally enjoying seconds!
When Martha Payne’s blog NeverSeconds was catapulted into the limelight last year, I’m sure she never imagined how it would have changed her life, or improved the lives of countless other children across the world. Less than a year on,
Wartime food – a celebration of true British grit.
When we think of the war years, we think of rationing, the blitz, camaraderie, and a nation of patriots digging up their lawns in the name of victory. Even more than seventy years later, the war years still have a
Advice to fat cats – engage brain before opening mouth!
I am incandescent! Reading about Sir Terry Leahy’s glib comments on Dessert Island Discs took me from rant to full-blown rage in less than 60 seconds.