
Micropubs – where small is beautiful…
Remember the days when a pub was a pub? Where you went for a quiet drink to unwind after a hard day. A place where you could meet your friends, or pop in knowing there would always be someone up

How To Lose a Stone in 10 Days
Guest blog by Maria Kuehn Let me start off by saying that anyone who gets excited at the above prospect needs to be taken to hospital, put in an isolation ward and fed fish and other brain food for

Two of nature’s remedies in your kitchen cupboard
If you’re feeling unwell, it’s tempting to head straight to the pharmacy for an expensive panacea. But did you know you have two potent natural remedies at home in your kitchen cupboard? If you thought coconut oil and turmeric were

Leopards and supermarkets never change their spots
You know when you get that warm, fuzzy feeling inside? When the bad boys suddenly do something good for a change? Well, that happened to me just before Easter. I had almost forgiven Tesco for some of its past transgressions

Proud to be a Cherwell Micro Business Finalist
It’s that time of year again when the tension mounts in North Oxfordshire. That’s nothing to do with the tourist season, global warming or the price of fish. It’s the build-up to the annual Cherwell Business Awards. For the second

British Pig Farms – RIP
You know the phrase ‘use it or lose it’? It’s one that will soon be applied to the British Pork industry. Since 2002, half the UK’s dairy farms have gone out of business because it costs more to produce milk

Health WARNING! Butter vs oils and spreads causes confusion and headaches – FACT!
I like to keep abreast of what’s happening on the food front and it’s not easy. It changes almost daily. We’re told to eat ‘this’ because it’s good for us. Then we’re told avoid ‘that’ because it’s bad for us.

Flooding and the environment – green zealots or plain common sense?
My heart goes out to the thousands of people who were left homeless by the recent flooding up north. There’s no good time to have your home destroyed, whether by floods or anything else, but for it to happen over

Why treats are a thing of the past …
When did you last treat yourself? I don’t mean just indulge yourself because it was a rainy day or the weekend, or because you felt like it. But when did you last treat yourself to something extra, extra special that

Putting the Bah Hum-BUG into Christmas
Every year it’s the same old thing in the run up to Christmas – pictures of happy smiling people bustling with bonhomie. Golden turkeys roasted and basted to perfection. Don’t you think it’s boring? Don’t you fancy something different for

Food isn’t just for Christmas
I’ve been really heartened by the number of people on social media and in the press offering to help the homeless this Christmas. The number of people sleeping rough on the streets of England has risen by over 50% in

Home-baking… another food fad or is it back to stay?
Well! Who watched the Great British Bake Off? Were you glued to your TVs? We were and we’re jubilant about the UK becoming a nation of home-bakers again. Sceptics might call this just another food fad whipped into a frenzy